Saturday, July 24, 2010

Plans and Approach

Our curriculum is based on thematic approach combining other concepts like Montessori and Abacus. Children will explore experience and learn in the content areas of language and literacy, numeracy, environmental awareness, motor skills, self and social awareness, and creative and aesthetics expression.

The themes and activities are child-centred and seek to promote interaction, problem-solving skills and challenge children intellectually, linguistically and socially.

Activities are planned to promote communication, language, problem-solving, social/emotional and sensory-motor skills in young children.

Letterland for English and Growing with Math for Maths are adopted in our curriculum to enhance literacy and numeracy development. Computers are used in the day to day program wherever necessary as a teaching tool enabling children to be familiar and develop computer related skills.

Our special emphasis on character building seeks to impart values to nurture respectful, grateful and responsible leaders of tomorrow