Friday, August 12, 2011

Preschool Art & Craft Competition

The Preschool Art & craft competition is jointly co-organised by Nanyang Girls' High School and NEA, the Preschool Art & Craft Competition encourages preschoolers to learn about the 3’R’s; Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Besides using recyclable materials to create an artwork, the participant must also describe what he/ she has learnt about the environment.

We greatly  appreciate all our children who participated in this competition .
Below is the artwork of our children who participated in the  Art & Craft competition.

Submitted by :Cynthia Arocia Rowena (PNA)

I used newspaper for house,grass,magnolia yakult  bottle wrapped with tissue paper for elephant ,scrap spray bottle for horse,cowhead milk box for donkey ,used paper plate for sun and used plastic coverfor making flowers.

Submitted by :Nishya Subash Prabu(PNB)

Here is My Clean and Green Ciy ,
Made of Recycle Paper and bottles,
Powered by Sun
Cooled by Water and Trees
Streets are clean ,
Full of Fun ,
It's My Clean and Green City

Submitted by :Amal Ramesh Rogester (NB)

I keep my place clean,
If everyone keep their place clean ,we can create clean and Green Singapore

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Singapore National Day 2011, the 46th birthday of Singapore falls on Tuesday, 9 August 2011.We had the national day celebration on 8 Aug 2011,Monday in our school .The children were all dressed up in red and white attire . The Children assembled together and sang the National Anthem ‘Majulah Singapura’.As a part of national education ,the teachers explained them about the colours in the national flag and its representation.
On that day, they were also played some of the national songs like ‘We are Singapore’,‘Stand up for Singapore’, ‘One People One Nation One Singapore' etc. further to nurture the sense of patriotism among children.
As a part of the celebration, they had ‘Tattoo session’ in which the children were excited to have the national flag tattoo on them. They also celebrated by Singing ‘Happy Birthday Singapore ‘ song to the National flag Jelly designed by Aunty Mala.They enjoyed the food sharing session ,thanks to all the parents for contributing to the sharing session.

Ms.Gaya explaning about the National flag

The children were excited to have National Flag Tattoos from Ms.Rai
Have a look at our tattoos:-)

Ms.Agnes explaining about the National Day

Food Sharing session by Ms.Devi

Wow!!Thanks to Aunty Mala for making the wonderful National Flag Jelly

Happy Birthday Singapore .........