Thursday, November 17, 2011

Preschool Environmental Dance competition

Our children had a fun and educational journey during the Preschool environmental dance audition , rehearsal and the finals .Our children went for rehearsal of the dance on 8th Nov .They got used to the stage and as usual they were very cute and really good dancers.The big day was the finals on 10th November .Our children got dressed up , make up , practised and set to go .They gave us a good show .Our children won "Merit Award " for the dance competition .Just a quick recap of the journey during the Preschool dance competition .

During Audition .....
Waiting for performance..

Hurray ..we are selected to finals !!!!

During Rehersal...

Here we are in our costumes and props now..

Wow Its Finals now..
Introductory speech by Batrishya & Samarth
Here we are..

Jai Ho !!

Waiting for results ..

Here we go - Won Merit Award ..Hurray !!!

              Congratulations to all the participants winners of the Preschool environmental Art and craft competition .

Nishya Subash Prabu -Won Merit Award
in Preschool Environmental Art competition

 Cynthia Arocia Rowena -Won Merit Award in Preschool art and craft competition

Congratulations to all the participants and the winners .Many Thanks to all the parents who volunteered in the preparatory works for the event .